By mindfluentworld-admin
The wisdom of repetition towards growth
Almost everybody is familiar with the words “the practice (repetition) makes perfect”, as we heard that too many times since our early childhood. Little did we know then, that this

By mindfluentworld-admin
Elevating Healthcare Through Emotional Intelligence: Mindfluent Empowers Health Workers in Prishtina
On the 25th of May, 2023, Mindfluent, a leading provider of personal growth and emotional intelligence services, delivered a comprehensive training session to healthcare professionals in Prishtina. The training aimed

By mindfluentworld-admin
Emotional space and the power of community
A few weeks ago, my friend and I were contemplating about the idea ofhaving a weekly resonance to interact on regular basis with mind alikeaudiences, where we would echo our

By mindfluentworld-admin
Speaking with kindness
From the ancient wisdom we have learned to hold on ourselves and speak only if what we say is true, kind, necessary and helpful. We acknowledge that speaking is the

By mindfluentworld-admin
How important is the emotional intelligence in our life
What are emotions? Where do they come from? Why do we need them? When talking about emotions, many confuse it with feelings which are two different but connected phenomena. Main

By mindfluentworld-admin
Self-esteem, how to build it?
Self-esteem, how to build it? Can we get ourselves to feel more competent? What is self-esteem? There are times when we feel low and powerless to move forward, we