Speaking with kindness
From the ancient wisdom we have learned to hold on ourselves and speak only if what we say is true, kind, necessary and helpful.
We acknowledge that speaking is the most important communication tool at the disposal of human beings as it allows us to communicate our needs and desires, it allows us to articulate our thinking into words and thus form understanding with the fellow human beings in this world. By its very nature, it plays a vital role into shaping all the relations with one another and helps people maintain healthy and strong connections and create long lasting bonds.
Adjusted in repetitive mode, positive and kind words can empower, encourage, motivate and help anyone moving towards reaching the goals. In a quantum level, the words are energy that affects the matter in your life, therefore we have to always carefully choose the words that heal rather than those that destroy.
Speaking nicely to others is essential in building relationships and making the others want to talk back. However, in order to be such, first and foremost you must be kind to ourselves and speak nicely to our self. Self-talk is your internal positive or negative dialogue. It’s entirely influenced by your subconscious mind, and it divulges your thoughts, beliefs, questions, and ideas.
A study of psychology, suggests that the subconscious mind does not recognize anything or anyone else besides you. It has no conception of consciousness other than your own. Therefore, when we criticize others for instance, or find faults in them, our mind thinks we are speaking about yourself. This is why it is very important to become aware of the power of the words and of the power of self-talk, because very often our words and feelings that are directed outwardly can rebound and cause havoc in our own lives. The majority of people do not realize that our thoughts and words are influencing and imprinting our own minds.
When you are kind to yourself, it becomes easier to be kind to others. Sometime people are quick to criticize the others when making mistakes, but omit to praise when they are doing something right. Yet it only takes a minute to tell someone what you appreciate about them.
A very common justification for criticism toward the others is that the critics is for the others` good, but the truth is that this is an irritation inside the individual venting our negative thoughts. This type of criticism hardly ever improves a person, but rather makes them defensive instead. The only time to offer feedback is when someone asks for it. And even then, be kind. Dale Carnegie says “Criticism is futile because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes them strive to justify themselves. Criticism is dangerous, because it wounds a person’s precious pride, hurts their sense of importance, and arouses resentment.”
Complaining on the other side as a negative talk is harmful for our body. Research from Stanford University has found that complaining reduces the size of our hippocampus, which, is responsible for memory and problem solving. The study found that engaging in complaining or simply hearing someone complain for more than 30 minutes could physically damage our brains.
A good way to start listening to yourself is journaling. Write whatever comes to mind, and after a few months you may notice a pattern. It may trigger big changes and start to improve on the old patterns that fueled negative self-talk.
The modern science confirms that speaking nicely to others has marvelous and positive effect on our wellbeing. There are numerous studies that show that speaking gently to ourselves and to others, has a very direct impact into shaping who we become.
In 1990s Japanese researcher, Dr. Emoto discovered something groundbreaking about water that perplexes scientist even to this day. Emoto would label petri dishes of water with positive and negative words and emotions. Some labeled Love and some labeled Hate. Emoto proved that when the water was labeled with positive intentions and then frozen, the water droplets formed perfect hexagonal shapes and sacred geometry, and the frozen water that was labelled negatively, the water droplets would be blurry and unsymmetrical. He concluded that our thoughts and emotions can change the molecular structure of water. Imagine this, our bodies consist 70% of water, therefore this impact is really huge on us, human beings.
There is a reason why the Divine Wisdom has always repeatedly advised us to be careful with words, thoughts and emotions. That’s is why we have been ordered and advised though all prophets and scriptures sent down to mankind, to speak nicely and tell the truth, to speak gently and kind, to speak with wisdom, in an open and understandable way, as all of this affects your own being and everything around us.