By Agron Kelmendi
Космолот владелец: актуальная информация
В игорном бизнесе Украины произошли существенные изменения. Многих интересует, кто сейчас является владельцем Космолота и какие перспективы у компании после структурных изменений 2023 года. До недавнего времени единственным собственником был

By mindfluentworld-admin
The path to success, how to find it
What is our perception about success? How can we truly become successful? The most basic struggle of human kind is to fight to become successful in life. But have we

By mindfluentworld-admin
The significance of decisions
“Life is a sum of all your choices (decisions)”Albert Camus Have you ever thought of who is in charge of your own daily routine? It is you, your mind, your

By mindfluentworld-admin
The importance of being useful
Very often I ask to myself a question of how am I making the best of my time every day in my daily routine, then try to dwell more on